
Showing posts from March, 2012

Simon of Cyrene: Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gospel Reading: The Passion of the Christ, from St. Mark's Gospel Homily: Palm Sunday, The Passion of the Christ, April 1, 2012 There is nothing I could say to add to what we have read. No words could serve to portray any better than those inspired of the Spirit and written by Mark, the companion of Peter, in today’s reading of the Passion. But let’s try to envision the story, again for the first time, from the perspective of one oft-forgotten man for just a few moments. The procession rounded the corner. You could see him now, the teacher. Staggering under the load of a great beam of wood. Stumbling barefoot over the uneven paving blocks in the street. Sweating under the rising sun of an April day, just getting warmer. Half-blinded by streaks of blood in his eyes, dripping down from punctures made by a twist of thorn-twigs pushed down on his brow. It’s a long way from here to the place of the Skull. Can he make it? Will he be able to carry this load? It’s not fair to make a